Implementing FC Buses: A Summary Case Study


It is difficult to put together a summary of a series of Best Practice suggestions for implementing this new bus propulsion technology. What do you mention – what do you leave out? By its very nature, Best Practice cannot be shortened to a few summary paragraphs.

Therefore, in the place of a summary/conclusion, this section provides a Case Study of what a Best Practice Fuel Cell Bus (FCB) implementation project might look like. This ‘perfect world’ scenario is based on a range of ‘real world’ examples and the experience and imagination of the authors. It brings together in a narrative many of the key Best Practice recommendations regarding FCBs and Hydrogen Refuelling Stations (HRSs) gathered from JIVE/JIVE 2 project partners and knowledgeable others. This is an ‘ideal’ scenario and should be interpreted as such, serving only as a vehicle to highlight approaches that work. It can be considered an ‘appetiser’ to the full document which contains much more detailed insights.

 If there is one piece of wisdom that does transcend all practices, it would be that all contexts are different, so the advice that you find in this case study, the full document and in other resources needs to be considered in the light of your own project and its specific circumstances. Having said that, there is some good advice here for every situation.

Full summary case study available here.  
