Picture: HRS in Pau, France.
This sub-stage considers the regular operation of the Buses and the HRSs/H2 supply as a combined system. At the time of collection of the information in this Section (August 2023) all 15 JIVE & JIVE 2 sites had started Regular Operations. The sites reported few issues in transitioning to this phase. They were generally pleased with progress of the FCBs although in numerous cases problems with the HRS availability were stopping buses from operating in regular service.
The reports from the sites included:
- High levels of satisfaction with, and acceptance of, the buses being reported by drivers, technicians and passengers
- Seamless integration with diesel buses - same flexibility and operating procedures
- Good levels of efficiency in terms of fuel consumption, often significantly better than the typical 8-10 kg/100 km with the previous generation of 12 m FCBs. Some local fleets have achieved less than 7 kg/100 km
- Acceptable refuelling times, although not reaching the project target of 3 kg/min.
- Acceptable levels of availability and reliability of FCB reported by operating sites but this was being affected by HRS downtime
Regular Operations of FCBs – Challenges and Best Practice Solutions.
Regular Refuelling Operations – Challenges and Best Practice Solutions.