Deployment and Operations - Introduction


At the date of collection of the information in this Section (up to January 2024), most of the JIVE and JIVE 2 sites had concluded the Procurement Stage and had entered the Deployment and Operations Stage. This project stage is discussed in this Section in three sub-stages.

With a few notable exceptions, the Deployment and Operations Stages proceeded more smoothly than the 3 previous stages, despite some PTOs experiencing a few difficulties during Commissioning. A significant number of these issues were in the standard components in the buses and not in the FC System. Delays in establishing reliably functioning HRSs have also arisen. Ensuring that H2 supply meets the full operational demand has also sometimes been problematic as has been the H2 price. 

Where buses are now in Regular Operations, sites reported acceptance and high satisfaction from users such as drivers and passengers.

A key message across this and all Stages continued to be that regular, focussed and well organised communication between the relevant parties, including those inside the depot, suppliers, and among project stakeholders is critical (see Section1.3).

Sites also reported that getting the FCBs on the road seems, in some cases, to have acted as stimulus to initiating synergies in related activities. In some regions, FCB projects have acted as a springboard to develop and broaden the introduction of other FC vehicles such as trains, waste trucks and local logistics vehicles outside the JIVE projects framework. Renewed vigour in improving the attractiveness of Public Transport was also reported.
