
Document Datesort descending Project
Most testuje vodíkový autobus, vyzkoušet ho může každý na lince 17 12-05-2022 JIVE 2
JIVE & JIVE 2 Best Practice Report 25-07-2022 JIVE
Project Conceptualisation 15-09-2022 JIVE , JIVE 2
Financing and planning 15-09-2022 JIVE , JIVE 2
Procurement 15-09-2022 JIVE , JIVE 2
Deployment and operations 15-09-2022 JIVE , JIVE 2
Bringing it all Together – A Case Study in Best Practice 15-09-2022 JIVE , JIVE 2
Hydrogen fuel cell bus will carry passengers on line 17 in Most for three days 5-12-2022 JIVE 2
Press release: The final event of the presentation of hydrogen-powered buses in public city transport 9-12-2022 JIVE 2
Industry leaders highlight the important role of hydrogen mobility at policymaker workshop (Press Release) 24-03-2023 JIVE
D3.20 – Interim analysis of the impact on urban bus service operations and operator attitudes 28-04-2023 JIVE
D4.4 Report on policymaker workshops 31-05-2023 JIVE
Environmental Impacts and External Cost Benefits of FCBs – Comparison of FCBs with BEBs 2-06-2023 JIVE
D4.13 Lessons learnt from the 1st JIVE 2 CEE bus roadshow 5-06-2023 JIVE 2
D3.1 - Analysis of economic data Public report 29-06-2023 MEHRLIN
Results from Models of Economic Hydrogen Refuelling Infrastructure (MEHRLIN) project to support the future of hydrogen in transport - end of project press release 29-06-2023 MEHRLIN
D4.21 2nd Roadshow Lessons Learned 12-03-2024 JIVE 2
D1.1 - Report on the lessons learned from joint procurement 21-05-2024 JIVE , JIVE 2, MEHRLIN
JIVE / JIVE 2 Public Presentation 10-07-2024 JIVE , JIVE 2
Final Best Practice Report D3.26 / D3.29 17-07-2024 JIVE , JIVE 2
D2.2 Operators' guide to fuel cell bus deployment 22-07-2024 JIVE , JIVE 2
D3.36 The potential for hydrogen buses in Europe: Results from the bulk analysis of passenger schedules 22-07-2024 JIVE , JIVE 2
Fuel cell bus deployment in the UK – lessons from JIVE and next steps 6-08-2024 JIVE , JIVE 2
FCB_Maintenance_Workshop_Guidelines__JIVE_D3-34_JIVE_2_D3-5_FINAL 10-09-2024 JIVE , JIVE 2
D4.12 roadshow learnings 27-01-2025 JIVE , JIVE 2
