
Document Datesort ascending Project
Info pack about the hydrogen infrastructure in Pau (France) 14-01-2019 JIVE 2
Introduction to fuel cell buses : guidelines for operators (in German) 10-12-2018
Final report on the strategies for joint procurement of fuel cell buses 10-12-2018
Guidance for HRS consenting phase (Sept 2018) 3-09-2018 JIVE 2
AFHYPAC brochure - L'opportunité bus électriques à hydrogène - in French 20-06-2018
Lessons learnt from FCB joint procurement - D.1.1 (June 2018) 4-06-2018 JIVE
An attractive Value Proposition for Zero-Emission Buses in Scandinavia - 2nd Edition 4-06-2018
Commercialisation of fuel cell buses - white paper 5-03-2018
JIVE & MEHRLIN - Perfomance Assessment Handbook 26-02-2018 JIVE , MEHRLIN
Extract from influencing factors to the acceptance process of FCH technologies 18-06-2017 CHIC
New Bus ReFuelling for European Hydrogen Bus Depots - Guidance Document on Large Scale Hydrogen Bus Refuelling 21-03-2017
New Bus ReFuelling for European Hydrogen Bus Depots - High-Level Techno Economic Project Summary Report 21-03-2017 NewBusFuel
Final Report CHIC (Clean Hydrogen in European Cities) 28-02-2017 CHIC
Public Executive Summary of the Report on Hydrogen Infrastructure Operation and Performance 18-02-2017 CHIC
Issues of concern to external stakeholders and critics and pathways to their resolution: Reflections on change after 2 years 18-02-2017 CHIC
Issues of concern to external stakeholders and critics and pathways to their resolution 18-02-2017 CHIC
Influencing factors to the acceptance process of FCH technologies in public transport 18-02-2017 CHIC
Fuel cell electric buses: a proven zero-emission solution 8-12-2016 CHIC
FCEB's: an attractive value proposition for zero-emission buses in the United Kingdom 24-11-2016
Recommendations for Hydrogen Infrastructure in Subsequent Projects 22-11-2016 CHIC
Strategies for joint procurement of Fuel Cell Electric Buses 30-08-2016
Urban buses: alternative powertrains for Europe 15-03-2016
Fuel cell electric buses – Potential for sustainable transport in Europe 15-03-2016
Analysis of investments in workshops for fuel cell buses and hydrogen refuelling stations 21-05-2015 CHIC
People, Transport and Hydrogen Fuel: Guidelines for Local Community Engagement when Implementing Hydrogen Powered Transport 26-03-2008
