Workshop Fuel Cell Buses: Clearing the Way for Zero Emission Transport during week of Cities and Regions

Fuel cell bus deployments will be presented as part of the Week of Cities and Regions! 

Specifically: the session, entitled: “Fuel Cell Buses: Clearing the Way for Zero Emission Transport”  under the thematic priority “ a greener Europe” will take place in Brussels in The Square on Tuesday 8 October, between 9:15 and 10:45.


  • Mélanie Pedeutour, Communauté d'agglomération Pau Béarn Pyrénées, Pau (FR)
  • Erwin Stoker, OV Bureau, Gronignen (NL)
  • Jens Conrad, Regional Verkehr Köln, Cologne region (DE)
  • Akhersus fylkeskommune (NO) –  Øyvind Michelsen (NO)

Moderator: Lionel Boillot, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU)

Workshop description: 

Fuel cell (FC) electric buses represent a key zero emission transport solution which helps tackle climate change challenges and clean cities air. Through the JIVE and MEHRLIN projects, some 300 fuel cell buses and their hydrogen infrastructure will be deployed in 22 cities across Europe.

The overall objective of the JIVE initiatives are to advance the commercialisation of fuel cell buses through large-scale deployment of vehicles and infrastructure so that by the end of the project, fuel cell buses are commercially viable for bus operators to include in their fleets without subsidy, and that local and national governments feel empowered to regulate for zero emission propulsion for their public transport systems. The workshop will have speakers with first hand experience discussing why they have invested in this technology, their first lessons and best practices as well as the next steps of deployment.

Register here

Tuesday, October 8, 2019 - 09:15 to 10:45