EU : Directive on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure

The Directive on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure (DAFI), was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on 29 September 2014.

The Directive :

  • Requires Member States to develop national policy frameworks for the market development of alternative fuels and their infrastructure;
  • Foresees the use of common technical specifications for recharging and refuelling stations;
  • Paves the way for setting up appropriate consumer information on alternative fuels, including a clear and sound price comparison methodology.

The required coverage by which the infrastructure must be put in place is as follows:

Mandatory ?


Objectives/distance requirement


Electricity for vehicles

One recharging point per estimated ten electric vehicles (and for information purposes: at least every 60 km on TEN-T Core Network)



At least every 150 km on TEN-T Core Network and one CNG refuelling point per estimated 600 CNG vehicles


LNG for vehicles

At least every 400 km on TEN-T Core Network


LNG for maritime vessels

Coverage of maritime ports with mobile or fix installations to enable the circulation on TEN-T Core Network


LNG for inland waterway vessels

Coverage of inland ports with mobile or fix installations to enable the circulation on the TEN-T Core Network



At least every 300 km on TEN-T Core Network


The alternative infrastructure has to be put in place by 2025. Member States provided a first report on their national plans in November 2017.